What Breed of Dog is Quiet and Calm?

Regardless of whether you already have experience or, on the contrary, you are a novice owner, it is always advisable to choose the type of dog that best suits your lifestyle. Some breeds prefer to stay active and enjoy their owner’s company at all times, while others love to lay back, lounging on the couch.

Looking for a calm and quiet dog for your home? Take a look at the following list of calm dog breeds to find out which are the Calmest in the Canine World.

What is meant by “quiet dog”?

The official standard of each breed explains the dog’s natural predisposition to react to different stimuli, for example, sounds, objects, and smells. A dog classified as “calm” is expected to maintain equanimity in most situations, reacting cautiously, without growling, agitating, or showing signs of stress.

This does not mean that they are not lively or energetic dogs, but in general, they will be more docile, quiet, and require less time or intensity to expend their energy.

What are the calmest dog breeds?

Here are the top 10 calmest dog breeds, generally recommended for people who are not so active, older people, families with small children, or who live in small apartments.

  1. Cavalier King Charles spaniel
  2. Basset hound
  3. French bulldog
  4. Bergamasco Sheepdog
  5. Galgo
  6. Bulldog
  7. Irish wolfhound
  8. Clumber spaniel
  9. Pekinese
  10. Saint Bernard

As you can see, this group includes dogs of all types and sizes. Let’s see what characterizes them and why you would want to take one of them home.

1. Cavalier King Charles spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is a dog recognized for its prestigious nobility and friendly behavior. He is the perfect pet for those who want a calm and small breed that is extremely gentle. He is usually very good with children, other dogs, and pets in general.

His calm nature makes him ideal as a therapy dog. In fact, many recommend them as pets for homes where emotional support is needed.

While he loves spending time on the couch, he also enjoys moderate daily exercise. It is important to give him the opportunity to walk and play outside so that he can explore and chase things.

2. Basset hound

Serene and pretty, the basset hound is another of the calmest dogs out there. When he’s not tracking down scents, he’s often seen relaxing on the couch patiently waiting for his next snack. He gets along well with other dogs, pets, and children in the home.

Be warned that due to their independent nature, they can be difficult to train at times.

Basset Hounds exhibit a calm and friendly temperament indoors, but like any other type of hound, they are always ready to go out, stroll, sniff and follow their natural instincts. As an owner, it is important to exercise them daily and take care of their diet, as they are prone to obesity.

3. French Bulldog

When it comes to calm, affectionate dogs that are suitable for small flats, the French bulldog is one of the chosen ones. This breed is ideal for all types of households, from people who live alone to families with young children. He is the typical easygoing companion, eager to please and entertain. In addition, he barks very little; It is considered a fairly silent dog.

He gets along well with other dogs, enjoys meeting new people, and requires little exercise.

4. Bergamasco Sheepdog

Belonging to the family of sheepdogs and having been bred to care for and drive livestock, many do not imagine that the Bergamasco is actually a calm dog. They are an independent breed, capable of solving problems on their own. He is familiar, patient, and kind; He gets along very well with other dogs and pets.

Although he has guarding skills, this is not an overly aggressive dog. As for exercise, it is said that 1-2 long walks a day are enough to control his energy levels.

The Bergamasco may be the ideal pet for those looking for a calm, intelligent, unique-looking large dog.

5. Galgo

When outdoors, greyhounds are fast and willing to chase anything that moves around them; however, they become very calm, quiet, and polite when indoors. This breed is known to be somewhat shy and sensitive by nature.

The greyhound prefers that the exercise be brief and pleasant, and then allow him to take a long nap to recover his energy. It is the perfect companion to watch TV on the sofa.

See: What are the Types of Greyhounds? 15 Breeds + Photos

6. Bulldog

Despite its appearance, the bulldog is a docile and happy dog by nature. Many consider it one of the calmest and most gentle breeds that exist. The vast majority of them are friendly with children, other dogs and pets, and even strangers to the home.

It is capable of alerting its owner if it sees anything unusual but is usually quite silent.

While you may not be prodded to go for walks, Bulldogs do benefit from regular exercise and active play.

It may interest you: 13+ Types of Bulldog (English, American, French, and Others) – Photos

7. Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is a giant-sized, calm dog. He may like to run when he is outdoors, but at home, he is a friendly and relaxed pet. Historically, this type of hound is said to have accompanied its owner on hunts, played with the children, and then lay quietly by the fire as one of the family.

Although its docile and serene temperament does not make it particularly fierce as a guard dog, the truth is that its size is usually enough to deter intruders.

As a pet, it is patient, loyal, highly intelligent, and sensitive to human emotions.

8. Clumber spaniel

Another of the breeds included in the list of the calmest dogs is the Clumber spaniel. Unlike most spaniels or poodles, this one is a couch potato and loves nothing more than snuggling up on a comfy couch. It usually relates very well with children and other pets in the home.

He is kind, loving, and relaxed by nature; you don’t want to have him as a guard dog.

Although he likes daily walks, don’t expect him to run or jog long distances with you.

9. Pekinese

For those who want a small, calm and intelligent dog, the Pekingese can be the ideal companion. Although he may exhibit certain traits of smugness and stubbornness at times, proper training can correct any unwanted behavior. In fact, the Pekingese is often noted as a therapy dog in hospitals and nursing homes.

He can be a dignified and independent dog, but he is capable of creating strong bonds with his people.

10. Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard is just as big, calm, and relaxed. This breed is known for its patient, friendly, and accommodating personality. In addition, he develops a great bond of love with his family members.

It is usually recommended for people who do not have much time to exercise their dog. It is important that you get some form of exercise every day, but a moderate walk will be enough to use up your energy.

Despite being calm and barking very little, Saint Bernards are not recommended for apartment living. This is not the best environment to host a giant breed. Likewise, they are not the ideal pet for families with very young children, since they can accidentally hit them.

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