What are the Fluffy Dog Breeds?

While some dog lovers prefer short-haired breeds, others can’t resist long-haired breeds. Thinking of bringing a furry pet home? In this article, we show you a list of dogs with fluffy coats, grouped according to their size.

Find your favorite fluffy dog breeds and learn the basics of their maintenance and care below.

The most popular furry dogs

Although we find all the thick-haired dogs beautiful and adorable, these are some of the most popular furry breeds around the world:

Hypoallergenic Furry Breeds

  • Poodle
  • Yorkshire terrier
  • Shih Tzu
  • Samoyed
  • Bichon Frize
  • Afghan hound

Non-Hypoallergenic Hairy Breeds

  • Pomeranian
  • Chow chow
  • Collie
  • Papillon
  • Golden retriever
  • Siberian Husky
  • Alaskan malamutes
  • Keeshond

Since as a future owner you can have your preferences regarding the size of the pet and the characteristics of its coat, here we leave you a compilation of small, medium, and large fluffy dog breeds, with specifications on their personality, origins, average life expectancy, hypo-allergenic rating, and shedding level.

11 Small fluffy dog breeds

1. Bichon Frize

Cheerful, playful, sensitive, and unproblematic, the Bichon Frize has the ideal personality to socialize with everyone around him. He is very good with children and gets along well with other dogs in the household.

They may be small, but what they lack in stature they make up for in speed.

With characteristics very similar to the toy poodle, this breed exhibits a bushy, gently curly coat. It is usually very popular among people with allergies due to its low shedding.

The Bichon Frize only sheds the hair from its undercoat, which is why regular brushing is so important to prevent tangles.

  • Origin: France, Spain, Belgium
  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes

Recommended: History and Ancestors of the Bichon Frise – How and when did the breed originate?

2. Coton de Tulear

Related to the Bichon Frize and the Maltese, the Coton de Tulear is known for its sweet and calm temperament, but many do not know that this dog also exhibits great intelligence. Some say that having it is like having a clown at home.

As its name suggests, cotton wool has abundant, soft, and fluffy white hair, very similar to cotton. Its care is usually easy, but it requires frequent brushing (preferably daily). This breed has a moderate shedding.

  • Origin: Madagascar
  • Life expectancy: 14-16 years
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes

3. Cockapoo

Another breed of a hairy and small dog is the cockapoo, obtained by crossing between the cocker spaniel and the poodle. This mixed dog is said to exhibit the best traits of its two ancestors.

He is incredibly smart and sweet, making him an easy pet to train and socialize with as part of the family.

Its thick, teddy-like coat needs some daily brushing as well as occasional baths, but it is not considered a difficult breed to maintain. His shedding level is also not high.

  • Origin: United States
  • Life expectancy: 14-18 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No

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4. Havanese or Bichon Havanese

If you are looking for a dog that is furry, playful, affectionate, and inclined to fall in love with its owner, then the Havanese may be the perfect pet for you.

This breed is a good example of what it means to be a lapdog. They adapt very well to different lifestyles but consider that they do not like to be left alone.

The Havanese’s long, soft, silky coat should be combed daily, or at least 3 times a week, to keep it free of mats and tangles. Many owners prefer their dog to have short hair, as this helps reduce grooming and brushing time.

Its shedding level is moderate.

  • Origin: Cuba
  • Life expectancy: 14-16 years
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes

5. Pekingese

The Pekingese has a deserved reputation as a stubborn and independent dog.

It is known that specimens of this breed tend to impose their own rules. Your general training may require a lot of patience and persistence. With this in mind, consider that Pekingese is not the most suitable shaggy dog for first-time owners or for families with young children, or other dogs.

Their thick-haired double coat requires quite a bit of maintenance. Brushing it several times a week will help remove loose hairs and prevent tangles from forming. The Pekingese tend to shed considerably (seasonally).

  • Origin: China
  • Life expectancy: 13-15 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No

6. Lhasa Apsos

Formerly used as a guard in the royal palaces of Tibet, the Lhasa Apso is another candidate for a small shaggy dog.

It is a very independent and energetic dog that takes the task of protecting its owner very seriously. He is very loyal to his family but somewhat aggressive towards strangers.

Regardless of whether it is kept long or short, the Lhasa Apso requires frequent brushing, at least 3 times a week. Something very positive is that its shedding level is low.

  • Origin: Tibet
  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No

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7. Pomeranian

This little ball of fluffy fur is known for its cheerful, playful, intelligent, and confident temperament. Given their diminutive size, Poms are often best for families with older children. They can be easily trained and exhibit good guard dog skills.

There is no doubt that the Pomeranian’s profuse double coat, with its wide variety of colors, is one of the most distinctive features of the breed. But you should know that it requires frequent brushing to keep it nice and free of mats.

Trimming every few months is also recommended. Depending on the time of year, these dogs can be heavy shedders.

  • Origin: Germany, Poland
  • Life expectancy: 12-16 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No

We recommend you:

8. Shih Tzu

This small, fluffy white-haired dog makes a sweet family pet. He is usually gentle with children, is easy to train, and one of the things he enjoys most is snuggling in his owners’ laps.

A Shih Tzu with long hair will need to be brushed daily to prevent tangles. Being a breed with white fur, it is advisable to bathe it regularly to keep its coat clean. It is also advised to trim every month. Its shedding level is quite low.

  • Origin: China
  • Life expectancy: 10-18 years
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes

9. Toy Poodle

Poodles are intelligent, loyal, and instinctive dogs par excellence, and the toy poodle is no exception to this rule.

Being such an intelligent dog, it is important that he is involved in different forms of mental stimulation and daily training, as this helps curb unwanted behavior.

What about his fur? Undoubtedly, abundant and thick hair is another of the most attractive characteristics of the breed. Unless you plan to keep a poodle short-haired, you need to learn how to brush it daily to prevent tangles.

Their fur tends to mat near the roots when not thoroughly brushed. In that case, it is necessary to shave it so that a new layer can grow. Most poodle owners choose to keep their pets short.

  • Origin: Germany, France
  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes


10. Yorkshire Terrier

Don’t let the Yorkie’s delicacy and adorable appearance fool you. This furry friend with pointed ears exhibits a tenacious, brave, and even dominant character.

He is a small dog in size, but big in personality. Even so, it is very affectionate with its owners, which is why it is one of the most popular pets as a companion animals.

The Yorkshire terrier’s coat is more like human hair than animal hair, so it must be treated with great care. If it is kept long-haired, it is advisable to brush it every day and bathe it every week.

Hair on the top of the head should be cut short or tied back in a bun to prevent eye irritation. It is a breed with a low level of shedding.

  • Origin: United Kingdom
  • Life expectancy: 12-16 years
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes

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11. Long-haired chihuahua

The chihuahua is another breed of dog that is furry and small but with a great personality. It is active, brave, and devoted to its owner. Before having one of these at home, he considers that they are not the ideal pet to play roughly with small children.

Long-haired Chihuahuas should be brushed at least once a week to prevent tangles and mats from forming. Trimmings every 2 to 3 months are also recommended. In general, these specimens are moderate shedders.

  • Origin: Mexico
  • Life expectancy: 14-18 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No


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5 Medium Fluffy Dog Breeds

12. American Eskimo

Intelligent, affectionate, and lively, the American Eskimo is a perfect dog for the family environment. Being so curious, it is normal for him to always be looking for new challenges, which is why his owner should provide him with some type of physical and mental stimulation.

Boredom can lead to destructive behavior in this breed. It is also not recommended to leave them alone for a long period of time.

His furry white body has a surprisingly easy-to-maintain double coat. A thorough brushing 2 or 3 times a week will be enough to remove old hairs before they can shed or form mats. The natural oil in its skin helps keep dirt from sticking.

The shedding of the American Eskimo is quite high.

  • Origin: United States, Germany
  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No

13. Chow Chow

Furry in appearance like a lion, the Chow Chow has an aloof, independent personality, yet is also loyal and protective of its owners. It is normal that he does not relate well to strangers or other animals. It benefits from moderate physical exercise and walks in the fresh air.

Coat care can vary based on coat type, as there are smooth-haired and rough-haired chow chows. Specimens of the first type need weekly brushing, while those of the second type should be brushed every 2 days.

In general, the breed requires a certain level of grooming and sheds quite a bit.

  • Origin: China
  • Life expectancy: 13-15 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No

See more in: Colors and Types of Chow Chow – How many are there? + Pictures

14. Finnish Lapphund

The Finnish Lapphund is a furry dog with the typical appearance of Nordic dogs. It is a herding breed originating from Lapland, Finland.

These dogs are ideal companions; they are noted for obedience, agility, and a great desire to please. Of course, they require a lot of physical exercises and have a strong barking instinct.

The Finnish Lapphund’s coat has a double coat: a smooth outer coat over a soft, dense undercoat. Weekly brushing, or daily during shedding season, helps remove dirt, remove loose hairs and keep the animal looking good. This dog can shed a lot of hair.

  • Origin: Finland
  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No

15. Keeshond

Furry like a bear and with a fox-like face, the Keeshond is a social dog that loves spending time with his family. In fact, he cannot be left alone at any time. The normal thing is that it follows its owner everywhere.

Keeshond dogs require regular grooming, 2-3 times a week at a minimum. Thorough brushing is recommended to keep the undercoat well-groomed and reduce shedding.

Depending on the season, they can shed quite a bit.

  • Origin: Germany, Holland
  • Life expectancy: 12-14 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No

16. Shetland Sheepdog

Also known as shelties, these furry dogs have a long history of herding and working in agriculture. They make excellent companions and display surprisingly intelligent behavior. No wonder they are often involved in agility and obedience rings.

This is the typical dog that wants to please its owners at all times. He should be provided with plenty of exercises and mental stimulation to keep him happy and calm.

The sheltie has a profuse double coat that sheds considerably. The outer coat is made up of long, smooth and coarse hair, while the undercoat is short, fluffy, and dense.

As an owner, you should be prepared to brush him 2-3 times a week, even more during shedding season.

  • Origin: United Kingdom
  • Life expectancy: 12-14 years
  • Hypoallergenic: No
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