What is the Best Home Remedy for Dog Mange?

Mange is a very common type of parasitic infection in dogs, caused by mites and characterized by intense itching, irritation, inflammation, hair loss, and crusting of the skin. The first course of action to cure a dog with mange should always be the treatment prescribed by the veterinarian; even so, there are several natural home remedies for mange in dogs that can help at home.

In this SweetDoggo article, we tell you what is the best home remedy for dog mange, why it works, and how you can use it…

What is the best home remedy for dog mange?

Popularly, there are several effective remedies to relieve canine scabies and promote healing. Although by themselves they cannot eliminate a mite infection in dogs, they help treat bothersome symptoms such as itching, inflammation, and lesions. Choosing which of all is better depends largely on the general condition of the pet and the severity of its condition. (Also must read about dog mange types).

According to testimonials and experiences, these are the 8 most used home remedies for scabies on dogs and puppies, together with medications:

  • Olive oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Natural yogurt
  • Lemon juice
  • Apple vinegar
  • Honey bees
  • Hydrogen peroxide and borax
  • Essential oils

Let’s see what its healing properties are and how they can be applied…

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is considered one of the best remedies for scabies, especially in cases of mild and localized scabies. Not only is it effective in fighting infection, but it is totally safe for the pet. Applying olive oil directly to the affected skin helps suffocate and kill parasites (eggs, larvae, and adults).

In addition, it moisturizes, softens, and relieves irritation. Many dogs are known to feel almost immediate relief after application.

2 or 3 teaspoons of oil may be enough to impregnate scabies patches. Leave on for 20-25 minutes and then wipe the area with a cloth or disposable gauze. Repeat the same procedure twice a day.

2. Aloe vera

Another excellent home treatment against canine scabies, whether sarcoptic or demodectic, is the natural gel of aloe vera or aloe vera. This wonderful plant has antiseptic, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, and regenerative properties. It is considered one of the best allies to calm itching and promote skin recovery.

Its anti-bacterial effect is also said to help prevent secondary infections.

Once applied to scabies patches, the thick, viscous gel works to suffocate mites. At the same time, the medicinal compounds help the skin to regenerate quickly. For best results, it is recommended to apply it twice a day.

If the natural plant is not available, a commercial (100% pure) aloe vera gel will also work.

Warning. Aloe vera extracts can be toxic to dogs (vomiting, diarrhea), hence the importance of preventing them from ingesting it. Consider putting a cone collar on your pet while you apply the remedy.

3. Plain yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent homemade ingredient to fight scabies naturally. On the one hand, it has the ability to suffocate and kill mites, and on the other hand, it relieves the irritation of damaged skin. In addition, the probiotics in yogurt are believed to help control fungal growth, thus preventing secondary infection.

It should be noted that not just any type of yogurt can be used; This must be natural, without added sugars, flavors, or dyes.

Apply the yogurt to the irritated skin and leave it on until it dries. Although it can be difficult, make sure to prevent your dog from licking it.

4. Lemon juice

Lemon is not only one of the favorite remedies to eliminate fleas and ticks, it can also be beneficial to eliminate scabies and soothe itchiness. Its extremely acidic nature, together with its antiseptic properties, favors the disappearance of parasites, fungi, and bacteria.

Even so, it is advisable to use it with caution, since otherwise it can worsen the condition of the skin and exacerbate irritation. An owner should not apply lemon on open lesions or sores.

In a spray bottle, combine boiled water and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The solution should have a lot more water than lemon, so it’s not too acidic. Next, spray the mixture on the scabies patches and let dry.

Observe how the dog’s skin reacts after applying the lemon. Discontinue use if you notice an increase in symptoms.

Warning. Some people use lemon garlic preparation to treat scabies at home. Due to its poisonous potential in dogs, garlic can be dangerous as a topical remedy.

It may interest you: 15+ Best Homemade Anti-Flea Remedies (Dogs, Cats, House)

5. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best remedies for mange and ringworm in dogs. Specifically, in dogs with mange, it is usually used both externally and internally. The natural acidity and disinfectant action of vinegar help fight mites when applied diluted to the skin. It can also promote healing from the inside out if the puppy ingests it.

As a topical remedy, simply add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your pet’s bath water or prepare a weak solution of water and vinegar to spray on affected skin areas.

To reap the healing benefits internally, it is recommended that you add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to your pet’s drinking water. Apparently, this helps balance your pH levels and promotes higher immunity.

See also: Is Vinegar Good for Killing Fleas? 4 Forms of Use in Dogs

6. Honey bees

Another great home remedy to relieve the symptoms of scabies is pure honey. It is effective, calming, and safe for the pet. In the first place, its consistency causes suffocation and subsequent death of the mites and their larvae. Second, it provides immediate relief, reduces inflammation, and moisturizes.

As if that were not enough, honey has antiseptic, antioxidant, and regenerative properties. Its application favors the recovery of scabby skin and prevents the development of secondary infections in the area.

Apply a little honey to each scabies patch and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. It is important to watch the dog during this time so that he does not lick himself. Placing a cone collar may help.

7. Essential oils

Certain essential oils also seem to be helpful when it comes to curing a puppy that has caught mange. Two common examples are neem oil and geranium oil. Both possess antiparasitic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.

They can be applied topically to localized scabies or added a few drops to a bowl of water to use as a rinse.

Some commercial dog shampoos may contain these or other oils among their active ingredients.

Warning. Dogs should not ingest any type of essential oil.

8. Borax

Finally, let’s talk about borax, considered by many to be the best home treatment to eliminate mange in dogs. While it is true that borax is usually very effective at killing mites, its use can have adverse effects.

Usually, a solution of borax and water is prepared to be applied to the affected skin with the help of a sponge, or a solution of water, borax, and hydrogen peroxide be sprayed with a spray bottle. Once applied, it is left to dry naturally for the skin to absorb.

In any case, it is extremely important that the pet does not ingest the remedy. Although some dogs only experience an upset stomach, others can go into seizures and even die if they ingest significant amounts.

In addition, borax can be very drying to the skin, which ends up worsening the irritation and affecting the animal’s recovery.

Consult your veterinarian before applying any of these or any other treatments at home. Once applied, it is important to monitor how the dog’s skin reacts. This allows you to know if the remedy really works well, if you need to vary the frequency of use, or if you should stop using it.

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