How many Types of Cocker Spaniels are there?

Although they remain hunters at heart, today Cocker Spaniels are among the most popular companion breeds in the world. Their stunning beauty, great trainability, and natural willingness to please make them excellent family dogs. But did you know that there are no single types of cocker spaniels?

Read on below to learn a little more about the different cocker spaniels, how they differ, and which one is best for you.

How many types of cocker spaniels are there?

When it comes to cocker spaniels, many people are unaware that there are 2 similar, yet very different types. They are the English Cocker Spaniel and the American Cocker Spaniel. Although both dogs share the same roots in their origins, today they are considered two separate breeds.

According to historians, the ancestors of the cocker spaniel originated in Spain like many other breeds of the spaniel type. From there they were transferred throughout Europe by the Romans. This is how the first of the two current types, the English cocker spaniel, arose in England. This was bred specifically for hunting woodcock birds.

Once introduced to America, breeders focused their efforts on obtaining a more relaxed, family-oriented dog. They started breeding the traditional cocker spaniel as a show and companion dog. This gave rise to the new American line1.

The two cocker spaniels were considered variations of the same breed until the 1940s. By this time it was quite clear that American and British breeders had gone their separate ways and therefore two separate types of cocker spaniels should be recognized.

Today, both breeds are admired and preferred due to their unique appearance, good temperament, and talent in the field.

In their country of origin, both are known simply by the name of “Cocker Spaniel”.

What is the difference between the English and the American Cocker Spaniel?

Because English Cocker Spaniels and American Cocker Spaniels have been bred over time for different purposes, many of the most striking differences are physical.


First of all, the English Cocker Spaniel is larger than its American counterpart. It usually reaches a height of 38 to 43 cm and a weight of 11.80 to 15 kg. The American Cocker Spaniel measures 30 to 33 cm and weighs approximately 10 to 12.7 kg.

Body structure

The American-type Cocker Spaniel is slightly longer than it is tall, while the English-type is a taller-than-long dog, giving the impression of a squarer body shape.

Head shape

Another great difference between both types of cocker spaniels is the shape of the head. The English Cocker has a larger and flatter head, with slightly oval eyes that are located more towards the sides of the muzzle. Likewise, the snout of this breed is longer, reaching the same length as the skull.

For its part, the American cocker has a smaller head and a noticeably rounded shape. Its eyes located towards the front of the face are large and almond-shaped, while the snout is shorter.


Although the two varieties of cocker spaniel have the same coat texture, breeders of the American line have selectively sought a fuller coat. Comparing both dogs, we see that the American Cocker Spaniel has a long, feathery coat, especially on the legs and sides of the body.

The English Cocker Spaniel always looks less hairy.


The coat of both breeds can display a wide range of colors, however, the American Cocker Spaniel has more specific requirements than its close cousin.

An English Cocker Spaniel can be any of the following colors (Solids, Bicolors, Tricolors, Roans):

  • Negro
  • Red
  • Dorado
  • Liver (chocolate)
  • Black and tan
  • Liver and fire
  • Black and white
  • Orange and white
  • Liver and white
  • Lemon and white
  • Black white and tan
  • Liver, white, and fire
  • Blue roan
  • Roan orange
  • Roan lemon
  • Roan liver
  • Roan blue and tan
  • Roan liver and fire

The American Cocker Spaniel is usually colored:

  • Negro
  • Black and tan
  • Cream
  • Pardo
  • Red
  • Brown
  • Brown and tan
  • Black and white
  • Red and white
  • Brown and white

Note. Despite the clear physical differences, these two types of cocker spaniel share certain characteristics. Both are medium-sized dogs, solid, well proportioned, and balanced in their front and rear build.

They also have the snout, jaws, and neck length needed to carry birds as large as a duck or pheasant across rough terrain.

Do the two types of cockers have the same temperament?

Not quite.

While both cocker spaniel breeds are affectionate, intelligent, and gentle, their breeders’ purpose has also led to certain differences in personality.

The English-type Cocker Spaniel is often described as an affectionate, loyal, intelligent, and easy-to-train dog, whose breeding as a hunter has led it to be more energetic and have a higher prey drive. It is known that insufficient exercise can lead to behavioral problems, that interaction with small pets can trigger aggression and that he is suspicious of strangers.

Instead, the American-type Cocker Spaniel has been bred primarily as a companion dog. This makes him a sensitive, loving, outgoing, intelligent, sociable, trustworthy, and very family-focused Cocker. He can, and wants, to develop strong bonds of affection with his people. He even behaves nicely towards strangers.

Both the English and the American are adoptable pets, sociable with other dogs, and gentle with children.

Working Cocker Spaniels and Show Cocker Spaniels

Regardless of the type (English or American), there are 2 other classifications to consider about Cocker Spaniels: Working Cocker Spaniels and Show Cocker Spaniels. This means that in both breeds more suitable specimens are obtained for hunting work and others are physically closer to the breed standard.

What is the difference between a working cocker and a show cocker?

As its name indicates, the working cocker has traits focused on enhancing hunting skills. This is a more alert, active and willing dog. He needs to use his brain and have a job to do. It normally has shorter and less abundant fur to facilitate its maintenance and care.

With working cocker spaniels, physical appearance often takes a backseat.

In the case of the show cocker spaniel, appearance is the most important thing. These specimens are bred to achieve the specific physical characteristics indicated by the breed standard. Its fur is much more abundant, long, and feathery, hence maintaining it is more cumbersome. A show cocker will be more relaxed and calm.

Which type of cocker spaniel is best for you?

Both Cocker Spaniels make excellent companions and family pets. But given the differences that exist between one breed and another, one of them may be better suited to your preferences and lifestyle.

The English Cocker may be more suitable for you if:

  • You want an active and energetic dog.
  • You can provide him with enough exercise every day.
  • You like outdoor activities, such as long walks, climbing, camping, or hunting.
  • You do not have small pets at home that can trigger their prey drive.
  • You have a fenced yard where you can play freely.

Bringing an American Cocker Spaniel home may be the most appropriate decision if:

  • You want a sweet and relaxed dog, focused on accompanying his family.
  • You do not have as much time to exercise it (it does not mean that it does not need the daily exercise)
  • You have other pets at home, including small creatures.
  • You are willing to put in the effort/time it takes to maintain a shaggy dog’s long, feathery coat.


  • The 31 Favorite Medium Dog Breeds [With Photos and Characteristics]
  • 29+ Furry Dog Breeds (Small, Medium, Large, White)

Quick Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

What types of spaniels are there?

In the wonderful group of spaniels names like cocker spaniel, springer spaniel, and Cavalier King Charles spaniel stand out. However, this family includes many other breeds.

Below we list 13 types of spaniels, all with long histories as hunting and companion dogs.

  1. English cocker spaniel
  2. American cocker spaniel
  3. Cavalier King Charles spaniel
  4. English springer spaniel
  5. Spaniel or American water dog
  6. Brittany or Brittany Spaniel
  7. Butterfly
  8. Clumber spaniel
  9. Irish water spaniel
  10. Welsh Springer Spaniel
  11. Boykin spaniel
  12. English toy spaniel
  13. Sussex spaniel

Note. The numbers in the image correspond to the number of each breed in the list above.

Types of Spaniels
13 Types of Spaniels

Are there mixed cocker spaniel types?

It’s no wonder that being such beautiful and popular dogs, cockers are crossed with other common breeds to obtain the so-called cocker spaniel mixes. This group includes:

  • Cockapoo (Cruce del cocker spaniel con poodle)
  • Cockalier (Cruce del cocker spaniel con Cavalier King Charles spaniel)
  • Spanador (Cocker Spaniel cross with Labrador Retriever )
  • Golden cocker retriever (Cruce del cocker spaniel con golden retriever)
  • Cockerania (Cruce del cocker spaniel con Pomerania)
  • Cockerhua o Chi-Spaniel (Cruce del cocker spaniel con chihuahua)
  • Spaniel Pit (Cruce del cocker spaniel con pitbull)
  • Cock-A-Tzu (Cruce del cocker spaniel con Shih Tzu)
  • Docker (cruce del cocker spaniel con dachshund)
  • Cock-A-Chon (Cruce del Cocker Spaniel with Bichon Frize )

Note. The numbers in the image correspond to the number of each breed in the list above.

cocker spaniels mix
Cocker Spaniels Mix
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