What are the Types of Pomeranian?

The smiling facial expression, lively, inquisitive personality, and lush fluffy coat make the Pomeranian one of the most popular toy dogs in the world. As a fan of the breed, you have surely heard different terms to refer to the “ Pomeranian types ”. But what is the truth in all that? Do different types of Pomeranian really exist within this race?

Read on below to learn about the possible variations and how to tell them apart…

How many types of Pomeranians are there?

Strictly speaking, there is only 1 type of Pomeranian. The standards of the AKC and the FCI describe it as a unique, toy-sized dog with a fox-like facial expression. However, Pomeranian breeders and admirers often distinguish 3 different varieties, based on particular features of the face.

These three types of Pomeranians are popularly known as “fox-faced Pomeranian“, “bear-faced Pomeranian” and “doll-faced Pomeranian“. The main difference between them is facial expression, with snout length being the most obvious variation. It should be noted that these denominations lack official recognition.

3 Types of Pomeranians

1. Fox-faced Pomeranian or Pomeranian Lulu

The Fox-faced Pomeranian Lulu is the version that corresponds to the breed standard. It is the most common and appreciated among owners/admirers. As its name suggests, this dog has an elongated snout, hence the fox-like facial expression.

A Lulu Pomeranian’s muzzle makes up about 1/3 of the length of its skull. Although it is considered a short muzzle compared to that of other dog breeds, it is the longest among all Pomeranian types.

Other features that contribute to this resemblance are the slightly rounded and fluffy cheeks, the narrow chin, as well as the pretty, flattened, dark nose. According to experts, the fox-faced Pomeranian’s sharp expression denotes its alert and intelligent nature.

The official standard indicates that this toy-sized dog should measure between approximately 15 and 17 cm and weigh between 1.4 and 3.2 kg (3 to 7 pounds).

The body is covered by a double-layered coat: short and dense on the inside, but long, abundant and coarse on the outside. Typically, the coat forms a kind of fluffy collar around the neck and head, extending over the shoulders and chest.

The fur of the little fox-faced Pomeranian is abundant throughout its body, except for its legs. It is said that it can be practically any color.

2. Bear-faced Pomeranian or Boo Pomeranian

What is it that distinguishes this variety of Pomeranian developed in the United States? Fortunately, there are several details that help differentiate a “bear face” from a standard “fox face. ”

First of all, there is a clear difference in the shape of his face. The so-called Pomeranian Boo has an irresistible teddy bear appearance. His muzzle is significantly shorter and his cheeks more rounded. These traits give it that smooth-faced dog look.

“The Bear-Headed Pomeranian has a flattened, rounded face, without a definite rise to the chin. Its short snout is only about ¼ of the total length of the skull. Many describe him as a Pomeranian with the eternal appearance of a puppy.”

In addition, the eyes appear to be larger and much closer to the snout, while the ears are noticeably smaller and rounder than the ears of the Pomeranian Lulu. Their fur is not only shorter and fluffier but also thicker.

With a compact body and tiny stature, the Boo is usually called a toy or mini Pomeranian, as it is the variety with the smallest weight and size. But this denomination is not widely accepted among breeders, much less among kennel clubs. The Pomeranian breed itself is already considered a toy breed.

3. Doll-faced Pomeranian

Of the 3 types, the doll face is usually the most difficult to distinguish. Its facial expression is similar to that of the Bear-Faced Pomeranian, also with a cropped snout; however, it exhibits a more delicate appearance. His face doesn’t look as stocky and wide.

The snout remains short, and rounded, but appears flattered on top, and is not raised. That makes the eyes appear to be a bit farther apart compared to the Boo Pomeranian variety.

A doll-faced Pomeranian will have longer, smoother, and more voluminous fur, as well as a slightly larger size.

Remember. Officially, there are no distinguishable types within the breed. There is only one Pomeranian. The term “fox-faced Pomeranian” is not even recognized. This, like “bear face” and “doll face”, is an unofficial name given based on some features of the face.

Also Read: What are the Colors of the Pomeranian?

13+ Types of Mixed Pomeranians

Many breeders have dedicated themselves to crossing the Pomeranian with other breeds, obtaining hybrid dogs with very interesting personalities and physical characteristics. Some of the more popular mixed Pomeranians are:

  1. Bichonaranian , Pomachon, or Pom Frisé (Pomeranian-Bichon Frisé cross )
  2. Pomeagle or beagle pom (beagle and pomeranian cross)
  3. Cineraria or pom chins (pomeranian mixed with Japanese chin)
  4. Shirania, Shih-Pom or Pom-Tzu (Shih Tzu Pomeranian cross)
  5. Pomchi (Pomeranian- Chihuahua mix)
  6. Cockerania (a cross between a cocker spaniel and Pomeranian)
  7. Damerania, Pom-Dach or Doxie Pom (pomeranian and dachshund mix)
  8. Pomsky (Pomeranian- husky mix)
  9. Maltipom (Pomeranian Maltese cross)
  10. Pomapoo ( Poodle -Pomeranian mix)
  11. Pose (Pomeranian Shetland Sheepdog cross)
  12. Porkie or Yorkie Pom (cross of the Pomeranian with the Yorkshire Terrier)
  13. Pom-a-Pug (Pomeranian pug mix)
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