How Often do Dogs go into Heat?

All female dogs that are not spayed experience what is known as heat. This is the period during which the bitch can get pregnant, hence the importance of knowing how to recognize it. An owner needs to identify when their dog is on the rampage, either to prevent unwanted pregnancies or to ensure a new litter.

Keep reading below for details on how often dogs go into heat, duration, frequency, and symptoms of female dogs in heat.

What is heat and how long does it last?

Once a bitch reaches sexual maturity, usually between 8 and 18 months of age, her body begins to go through reproductive cycles. Each of these cycles is made up of phases and exhibits a window or peak of high fertility. At this point, the female “in heat” attracts the males as a sign that she is ready to mate.

Most female dogs first come into heat when they are 6 months old, but this can come earlier or later depending on the breed. Small-breed female dogs are said to experience their first heat earlier than large-breed female dogs.

What are the 4 stages of a dog in heat?

For a better understanding of the changes, signs, and behaviors of the female dog in heat, it is worth taking a look at the different phases that make up a canine reproductive cycle.

Proestrus (preparation). It is the first stage of the reproductive cycle and lasts approximately 9 days. Its beginning is marked by the maturation of the ovules and the increase in estrogen levels. Typical symptoms include bloody discharge and swelling of the vulva. Although the female may start to attract males during this phase, more often than not she will reject them until she reaches the next stage.

Estrus (mating). The second phase also usually lasts about 9 days, but can range from 4 to 21 days in total. This is the stage in which the bitch becomes more fertile and receptive to the male. Eggs are released from the ovaries, estrogen levels drop, and progesterone levels begin to rise. Signs of estrus include decreased bloody discharge and enlargement and tenderness of the vulva.

Together, the phases of proestrus and estrus form the heat period.

Right-handed. It is the final phase of heat in female dogs. The discharge is completely reduced and the vulva returns to normal. The female will no longer be receptive to males during this stage. Under normal conditions, diestrus usually lasts 60 to 90 days, but it lasts 58 to 63 days if the bitch is pregnant.

Anestrus. Finally, anestrus is the time interval that elapses between one heat and another. It usually lasts between 4 and 6 months, although it can last much longer.

How often do female dogs go into heat?

Similarly, the frequency of heat tends to vary depending on the breed and the particular bitch. Almost all females riot every 6 months or 2 times a year, but small breed female dogs can go into heat more frequently.

Some breeds go into heat quarterly, while others go into heat only once a year.

It may take 1 to 2 years for the reproductive cycle to become regular. A female dog will go into heat throughout her life, although the frequency is likely to decrease as she ages.

How long does a female dog stay in heat?

The heat in bitches usually lasts between 2 and 3 weeks. This is not a rule that is followed in all cases, as some dogs may be in heat for a shorter or longer period of time. As the owner, you will know that your dog’s heat is over when there is no more bleeding and the vulva returns to its normal size.

While heat spans the proestrus and estrus phases, a bitch will be much more fertile and receptive to males during the first 5 days of estrus.

A female dog in heat symptoms

When the bitch is in heat, her body undergoes a series of hormonal changes that make her suitable for reproduction. This, in turn, causes a series of physical and behavioral symptoms that help us identify the process.

In general, a rambunctious bitch will show the following 6 symptoms:

1. Bloody vaginal discharge

Bloody discharge is considered one of the most reliable signs that a female dog is in heat. At first, it is common for the discharge to be light and pink, but then it becomes brighter and more significant. Females typically lick themselves during this stage, so sometimes the discharge is not as easy to see.

2. Swollen vulva

Another sign of par excellence is the inflammation of the vulva, making it look much larger in appearance. This symptom is easily noticeable and occurs within a few days.

3. Tail shaking

As soon as the estrus phase begins, the bitch reaches a peak in her heat period. One way to attract the male dog is precisely the movement of the tail. You will be able to observe how the pet lifts its tail and moves it from side to side in an attempt to disperse its scent.

The scent of a female dog in heat can be detected by males at a great distance. At this point, you will notice many dogs approaching the bitch, and even hanging around your yard. Excessive interest observed in different males is a clear sign that heat has just begun.

4. Increased urination

It is very likely that the dog urinates more than usual. This is another mechanism by which she lets males know she is in heat.

5. Mood swings

Similar to female PMS, some female dogs can become overly sensitive and even a little aggressive towards people and other animals around them.

6. Puffy nipples

Although not a symptom that occurs in all bitches, nipple swelling is another physical change to watch out for.

Note. Although it is not usual, it is known that some bitches can experience a kind of “silent heat”; the bitch goes into heat, but shows no sign of it.

Common symptoms that indicate a female dog is in heat include spotting or bloody vaginal discharge, swelling of the vulva, licking of the genitals, and more frequent urination. In addition, the pet may become more nervous, restless, and demanding.

Quick Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

How to prevent a dog from going into heat?

The most effective way to prevent a female dog from going into heat is spaying. This is a safe solution to consider if you don’t plan to breed your female dog. Your vet can always help you determine the best time to spay.

Some recommend doing this as early as 6 months of age, while others prefer to wait for the bitch to experience her first heat.

In case you don’t want to spay her, then it’s worth taking some steps to prevent unwanted copulation. For example:

  • Avoid taking her outside for walks when you know she’s on a rampage.
  • If you want to go for a walk, wear a leash collar at all times and choose to visit quiet places where other dogs are unlikely to be around.
  • If there is a male living in the house, make sure to keep them strictly apart.

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When does the first heat occur in female dogs?

Typically, a bitch has her first heat cycle once she reaches sexual maturity, between 6 and 18 months of age. This can vary depending on the breed and even the individual dog.

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